Thursday, November 5, 2009

Laugh at Yourself First: The Poetry of Real Life

Visit Laugh at Yourself First for "The Poetry of Real Life," and more short fiction, scripts, and very little poetry by Paul Juser.

If you're here with me in Binghamton, I hope you made it through what will be known as "The Voting Night Massacres." Douglas Walter Drazen took his 2,072 angry supporters to the streets pillaging and burning any house with a "Re-Elect Matt Ryan" sign in the lawn. Dozens were killed in the fighting, but on the bright side, 13 police officers will no longer be cut from next year's budget. As the fires subsided Wednesday afternoon, Rich David, Ryan's only opponent to not have his name on the ballot in magic marker, marched up and down State Street demanding a duel. With only 56 votes separating the less than 40% of the vote either candidate earned, a hand count will be required to determine who runs my city next. Seatbelts on.

I voted for the Party Mayor to keep from being turned away at First Friday. Had I known what it would be like last night, I may reconsidered my vote. I'm hoping with a second term he'll build the other half of the Riverwalk, or Binghamton WiFi will work indoors, or someone will sweep up the broken glass within a day or two of the bottle being broken, at least in a 2 block radius of City Hall. Joe Merril attempted, but ran like a whipped cur when a schnokered Ryan broke his broom and called Merril names. Last election this earned Ryan a restraining order. This election, it was free press. In honor of Ryan's impending victory, Act III of "The Great World Leader" starts next week. This week you'll sit through my weird, experimental poetry. It's worth it for the fantastic cover by Kip Ayers. Still no word on Keisha Roman. Thanks for reading.


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