Thursday, June 30, 2011

printisbetter 2

Read "The Salvation Shark," and more short fiction, scripts, and very little poetry at Laugh at Yourself First.

I've been lax on writing printisbetter the last month or so, but only because all of my free time has been going into the website. The official launch is July 10th, but you can go sneak a peek right now. If you're here with me in Binghamton, that is only a day after my show, "How to Win at Bowling," by the ART Mission Playwright Group. You can find more information about that show, and a picture of a giant gnome, if you visit If you come to First Friday, look for me passing out the first flyers and posters to carry the name, If you can't make it, drop me a line and I'll send them to you or your local bookstore along with any other promo schwag I've got laying around my desk.

My new short story collection, Water Under Attack is in the final stages of review. It arrives on the heels of a moratorium in New York State that expires July 1st. Governor Cuomo got into office cuddling with clean water people, but as that clock form the Iron Maiden song continues counting, Cuomo won't take sides. Albany corruption is the family business for this man, and he wants to squeeze whatever dollars he can from whichever side will pay more. The Obamas, Bushes, Cuomos and bin Ladens are all cut from the same mold, career politicians with no regard to the lives lost to their blunders. Come get a look at New York while you can, our motto won't be "I Love New York" much longer. Thanks for reading.


Friday, June 17, 2011

printisbetter 1

Read "Here in This Sorrow," and more short fiction, scripts, and very little poetry at Laugh at Yourself First.

I wrote a great printisbetter a few weeks ago about my adventure for a new phone, but I haven't had time to sit down and edit. First and foremost, I'm proud to announce that Ricki Scordino of EverTech High School was awarded the first Matthew Juser Memorial Scholarship. I made a vow not to read any entries until after the scholarship was awarded, so I am now looking forward to reading her short story, Sadie. One of the judges, the man who taught me everything I know about writing, said of Ricki's Story, "[the] author knows how to tell a convincing story. She's credibly developed her character, has a firm grasp of suspenseful control, exclusively dramatizes only what's important, and brings her reader, as participating observer, into a richly created realm... Welcome to Sadie's author on joining the esteemed ranks of exciting writers." Congratulations Ricki, my family thanks you for your participation.

If you are here with me in Binghamton, you will shortly be able to attend a reading of Ricki's short story as well. Details will follow, and you will be able to read about them on the newly launched, which has links to both the printisbetter and Laugh at Yourself First, and for anyone interested in purchasing one of my printed books, links to their checkouts as well. The site will be updated frequently, so check back often. There will at least be a new Laugh at Yourself First every week, with chapters of the Salvation Shark continuing through the end of the year. Last week we started shooting D A Bush's The Demon Messenger. I found out last night, I won't need to shave my chest for my as-close-to-nude-as-you-are-likely-to-see-me scene, which in low light will make me virtually indistinguishable from the monster. Don't forget to visit today. Thanks for reading.
