Visit Laugh at Yourself First for the conclusion of "The Great World Leader," and more short fiction, scripts, and very little poetry from Paul Juser.
If you're here with me in Binghamton, please walk past the front window of RiverRead Books at 5 Court Street. From there, you can see NUGE FOR PREZ and Other Fiction on display. I hope that will be enough to bring you inside. If not, there is a magnificent collection on the shelves of fiction, history, biography, graphic novels, childrens', and much more. They keep the Science books up front, so I rarely get very far in before I find what I'm looking for. They also have literary events, such as open mic nights and author events. On January 22nd I'll be there reading selections from NUGE FOR PREZ. You don't have to be from Binghamton to attend.
In the wider world, modern science had a birthday this week, when On the Origin of Species celebrated the 150th anniversery of its publication. Next month, Laugh at Yourself First has it's first birthday as well. In lieu of a party, I'm having Dr. Filth December, featuring a brand new story next week, followed by the first Dr. Filth story I ever wrote, followed the revised edition of Dr. Filth that appeared in NUGE FOR PREZ. After that, I'm taking a week off. Just in time for Christmas, I'll be unveiling the Dr. Filth T-Shirt. I'll be back in January with a new installment of The Witch King's Sword and more short fiction, scripts, and very little poetry. Thanks for reading.
Like this week's cover of Print is Better? Get your T-Shirt here: http://www.cafepress.com/Printisbetter1

If you're here with me in Binghamton, please walk past the front window of RiverRead Books at 5 Court Street. From there, you can see NUGE FOR PREZ and Other Fiction on display. I hope that will be enough to bring you inside. If not, there is a magnificent collection on the shelves of fiction, history, biography, graphic novels, childrens', and much more. They keep the Science books up front, so I rarely get very far in before I find what I'm looking for. They also have literary events, such as open mic nights and author events. On January 22nd I'll be there reading selections from NUGE FOR PREZ. You don't have to be from Binghamton to attend.
In the wider world, modern science had a birthday this week, when On the Origin of Species celebrated the 150th anniversery of its publication. Next month, Laugh at Yourself First has it's first birthday as well. In lieu of a party, I'm having Dr. Filth December, featuring a brand new story next week, followed by the first Dr. Filth story I ever wrote, followed the revised edition of Dr. Filth that appeared in NUGE FOR PREZ. After that, I'm taking a week off. Just in time for Christmas, I'll be unveiling the Dr. Filth T-Shirt. I'll be back in January with a new installment of The Witch King's Sword and more short fiction, scripts, and very little poetry. Thanks for reading.
Like this week's cover of Print is Better? Get your T-Shirt here: http://www.cafepress.com/Printisbetter1