Thursday, August 4, 2011

printisbetter 4

Read “Doom City,” and more short fiction, scripts, and very little poetry at Laugh at Yourself First.

Am I the only rational person hoping Michelle Bachman is nominated for President? For starters, she’s the only candidate I’m confident President Suckerpunch can beat. Can you imagine the crazy Bachman and her closeted nancy-pants husband would unleash trying to 'pray away the gay' for the whole country? John Cleese and Michael Palin couldn’t write better comedy. A popular social media site I belong to asked me to sign a card for the President’s 50th. I told him I still can’t understand how legalizing whaling would help end whaling, and that I was happy the Gulf oil spill happened to prevent him from opening oil drilling on the East Coast. Even though I promised to vote Nader in 2012, the President's staff still asked me to volunteer. Anyone out there looking for Nuge to dip his toes in the political waters again? I still have the hat, and I can grow the moustache again.

If you’re here with me in Binghamton, Talia Moore put together a wonderful art & theater expo last weekend. I was there to table for the ART Mission and watch my ladyfriend in a panel discussion on the local art scene. The event featured open auditions and headshots, and I was able to catch up with many luminaries from my theatre past. Muchof event seemed made up as it went along, but considering this is exactly how I learned to produce plays, I applaud the method. Many of the attendees were children, and I couldn’t tell if the event was aimed toward them or toward the adults, but there was invaluable information for all. I hope to see this become a yearly event, and I will be happy to lend any support I can. Water Under Attack, my new collection of short stories, is available now at Ten stories for ten bucks, you can’t beat that with a stick. Trust me, I’ve tried. Thanks for reading.


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