Read "The Salvation Shark" and more short fiction, scripts, and very little poetry at Laugh at Yourself First.
I skipped PiB last week, because I couldn't write anything that wasn't a diatribe about my disappointment over the election. I needed time to find a positive outlook on the situation. The high-profile criminals like Paladino and the popular loons like Christine O'Palin were put down, but I don't know much about the victors. It's not fair for me to judge them on the actions of others. Most I've encountered seem to hate every freedom but their own, advocating religious dominationany people in their party preach religious domination, and would be proud to step back to less tolerant times. Most I've encountered are openly racist, and despite protests their criticisms are based in social policy, still try to slip that big, ugly word into their descriptions of the President. Most seem to hate every freedom but their own.
Decent people will not stand for this, no matter how loud the lunkheads shout. I refuse to believe the majority of us would say that "Ballot or Bullet" guy is a person to lead this country to a better future. I will concede that Ballot or Bullet guy has a right to be angry, and it's not because Obama's a you-know-what, or any other thing you might mutter under your breath, but because the same criminals that made our mess are being allowed to try and fix our mess by making the same mess on a much grander scale. The Tea Party preaches a message of fiscal responsibility, and right now Americans need to learn any responsibility they are offered. If these people want to be leaders, we need to treat them like leaders by being on guard against everything I mentioned in the first paragraph. As long as we prevent that, I've always believed the point of America was that maybe these guys can do a better job. In America, anyone can succeed.
If you're here with me in Binghamton, I want to remind you once again to come see me December 4th at RiverRead Books. I'll be reading selections from Man-In-Sea, and signing copies as well. You don't have to be in Binghamton to hear me on the Original Geeks Podcast, or to vote for us in the Sports category at podcastawards.com. December 3rd, Daddybones will be making his ring-announcer debut for East Coast Pro Wrestling. I haven't watched wrestling since that Undertaker/McMahon "Higher Power" storyline pushed my suspension of disbelief too far, but I'll be at the show that night. The hundredth episode of the OGPC records this week. Thanks for all the birthday wishes this week. It's been a tough year, so it was nice to hear from the outside world. Thanks for reading.
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